In case you ever enter instead of in your web browser, they both will now take you to the same place.  That is because today we also registered as an additional way to get to the same bucket of weekly strips about two dudes on a tour… FOREVER!  Watch out, other Internet URL suffixes!  We may be coming for you next.  Soon, you will all be absorbed and assimilated into The Ouro Borg, I mean Bros.

So, it’s been great getting feedback from all of you each week on twitter (via @thebestjeremy and @zoidland) and Facebook, as well as the comments that have been popping up on the site as well!  Please feel free to post a comment on the site the next time you stop by to look at a comic.  We would love to open up discussion with our viewers right on the site itself (what site? why, either or, of course!).  Together, we can make this website an even funner place than it already is!  That’s right, I said funner.  Until next time…