When I first got into the comic business, I had no idea the community and camaraderie amongst the artists, but I quickly learned. Our products may not always show it, but as artists, we’re all a buncha softies at heart. So we here at the Ouro Bros (and I’m speaking for Jeremy as well, since he’s currently getting a hose stuck in his ear or something) are joining with Comics for Japan, and would like to ask our dear readers to turn their attention to the recent tragic events the Japanese have and continue to face.

First up, Google and the Red Cross in Japan have teamed up on a page for monetary donations. The lowest you can donate is 100 yen, which translates to just above $2. Every little bit counts.

Prefer to send something other than money? Check out Second Harvest. This is an organization in Japan to which you can ship supplies that will be given DIRECTLY to the people who need them. Take a look at the list of supplies at the link. You might consider gathering up a big box of supplies and having a few friends pitch in for shipping to Japan. They need raw supplies more than money at this time.

You can also text REDCROSS to 90999 to easily donate $10 to the Red Cross.

Thank you all, and we wish you the best.
–Jeff and Jeremy