238: Fuel
Jeremy: Well, it was time to fulfill another Kickstarter reward (finally). That lovely whistlin’ mechanic whistles just like the Ouro character who bears a striking resemblance to Yours Truly. And that is because that whistlin’ mechanic is inspired by none other than my pop, Jeremy Bentley, Sr. Just kidding. I am the first of my kind. My father’s name is John Bentley, and that mechanic is him! And that was probably one of the most confusing paragraphs you have yet read in our comic blog. Sorry, I’m tired and my brain isn’t working at full capacity.
Jeff: Really, Jeremy? Then when are you awake? **ZING!** HEYOOOO!
I was KINDA hopin’ we’d get a glimpse of those 6-pack abs I’m Chester has. Why couldn’t you have ripped the middle of his shirt, Jeremy???!?!?!?!?!
Chester actually has a 10-pack. And it’s a 5 Variety 10-Pack, at that. When you try to mix retail with art, often times it fails miserably, and I am not a polished-enough cartoonist to make that happen without it looking like a disaster. I heard tell of a man who could paint 5-variety 10-Packs on male torsos as the day is long, and he did it with such flair that the story passed into legend. No one knows if he actually does exist, but the idea of Rubbertooth McGillicuddy gives us artists hope for such achievements in the future.
Why is Chester bleeding oil?
It’s a comic book drawing thing for blood, holmes.
Are we sure he’s not a robot? Cause I think he’s a robot.
Oh, JUST because he wears a purple shirt and has what looks like oil for blood, he HAS to be a robot. REAL nice, dude. Way to live in the new millennium.
Hey! Real people don’t just wear purple shirts. They know what that implies about their biology or lack there of.
Well leave it to good ole Chester to not stop until a project is done.
Let’s see how long it takes for Bal to remove all that makeup and that outfit, I say he’s probably apt to keep it on for a few days until the group finally has to demand he remove it.