Jeremy: I have to say, “Looks like you Underoos are about to get pantsed” has to be my favorite Elle-ism that Jeff has come up with for the comic to date. It’s good when either of us can create something that makes the other genuinely laugh. Sometimes I get so cerebral in visualizing how I am going to draw out the script, that I don’t take the time to really enjoy a few words of dialog that Jeff has written. All I am saying is that everyone should take a moment and smell the Underoos sometimes.

Jeff: When I wrote the first draft of this script, it was excessively lame. Didn’t really go anywhere. Just stank. Of course, the main reason for that was because I was falling asleep in front of my computer while I was writing it. Re-attacked it the next day, and that “pantsed” line just popped right up. Hooray for editing! 🙂