23: We’re Not in FarmVille Anymore…
Jeremy: Face-wha is actually the new social networking site that Jeff and I have set up for electronic devices to interact and share data. If you happen to be an electronic device, please proceed to Face-wha.sweet and sign up for your free account. With totally customizable profiles (based on animated gif technology), you will soon be up and running with your very own electricity-powered hit counter and a guestbook powered by yourmotherboard.mom.
So, is it just me, or do we have a new character here? This Elle just keeps popping up. What is her deal? And who are these bands that keep popping up as posters in the comics? Surely it isn’t a statement by the artist to give real life shout outs to real life bands? Positively, it can’t be the comic strip’s visual production specialist trying to assert his own stamp on the comic? What is it with artists these days? Just shut up and sharpen your pencils, nerds. Affirmatively.
Jeff: Yeah, we’re about to veer into some new territory folks: An actual concert! Oh, and with that, some good story-making-upping…ness…-itude. Um. Yeah. Gotta work on that part.
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