10: Look Out For The… Never Mind.
Jeff: If this had been a cartoon, the fall off the cliff would have been accompanied by a shot of the Bros’ sitting in the front of the van, necks stretching downward off frame, Bal turning to scowl at Stan, who innocently blinks back (with the classic xylophone-style “ba-dink, ba-dink” sound) and holds up a little sign (on a really long stick, since his arms have now stretched down below view) that says, “Whoops?” with a please-don’t-kill-me grin. The van would then complete the surrender to physics and fall off the cliff, with the Bros’ screams, the classic car-crash sound (complete with loose, rolling hubcap), and a screech from the eagle who’s flying around in the background of panel 2.
Man, I miss the Road Runner and Coyote cartoons.
Jeremy: You took the words right out of my mouth, dude. I was very inspired by Looney Tunes when I drew this strip. I loved drawing the two-tone cliffs. All I could think of was… well… you said it!
And what’s the deal with the boys using fold-up paper maps? I mean, come on. If they’re not going to invest in a piece of electronic equipment, they should at least have a road atlas. All that unfolding, and then trying to re-fold it up exactly the way it was? I have a feeling that these guys are doomed to learn everything the hard way. I want to reach in there and smack these guys sometimes.
Jeff, did I just get all fired up about a fold-up map? Man, I must be tired. I think I should just go to bed…
I see the the real Lancaster person, but I’ll stay quiet so someone who likes Gummy Bears can win. LOL
Man, and *I* can’t say who it is, even though I *do* like Gummi Bears! Dangit!
Isn’t Jeremy’s lovely wife having a chat with Nean? 🙂
Yep, my wife finally makes it into the comic, and that’s her talking to Nean’s cartoon doppelganger, Jasmine 🙂 Here’s your prize!
Yeah, um, dude? The mystery might’ve been a bit stronger if you hadn’t have put your wife’s name in the tags for today’s comic… 😉
haha yeah I noticed that. but I bet Sara guessed first without even seeing it. Because she’s wicked smart and fast on the draw.
Yay me!
Yes, Directions Man lurks in the shadows! Also is Chad talking to Myka? And how come every character has a foxy lady to talk to but me!? And don’t think cell phone boy counts, because he’s totally texting some sweet lady with that phone. I demand a personalized extended panel two where I’m chatting with a lady.
Blondie and Cell Phone Boy are just two drawings I made up to fill out the line. And actually, Directions Man is intently listening to 3 different gorgeous women talking to him about all the sweet dates they’re going to go on together.
Now that sounds more like reality!
I have no idea what a Shoo-fly pie is but man am I ever craving one now. Love the fact that Balthazar holds the pie up proudly with a fork in the van, but chooses to use the natural cutlery God has given us to woof it down as he walks. Hold onto that pie plate Bal, it may double as a hi-hat in a pinch one day.
Well hello Mrs. Bentley, if you get a chance talk to David Moulton in line so he won’t feel so lonely. 🙂
Jeremy, you need to get TFR out of the Studio and into the streets and venues…The French Revolution needs to perform for the world, share it with the world man…share it with the world.
Todd, I think for now I am content to just draw music being taken to the streets. Having already lived that out, I’ll let the bros take a turn 😉
The world will just have to be content with having the music shared with it online. Have you already downloaded and checked out TFR’s The Letdown?
I downloaded TFR: “The Letdown” today. Listening to it now. Sounds really good, I like it.
Awesome! Thanks for checking it out, man.
If you ever put me in one of your comics, can you shave off about 15 pounds and add a few inches. to my height I mean. or whatever.
Sorry, Keith. Your character has already been drawn as a 4 foot, 400 lb. woman. With tattoos of dragon scales all over the face area.
Perfect! That’s exactly what I was asking! Because right now I weigh 415 pounds and am 3′ 9″ with FISH scale tattoos on my face (which are way less cool). Thanks man.
No problem. Just another example of how comic strip artists make dreams come true.
Wait….You mean your wife would have to wait outside for your show? And she seems okay with that, too. Is she spying on what the fans in line are saying?
The French Revolution is dumb!!!!!!
A band is only as dumb as its singer. In that case, I guess TFR is pretty stupid dumb. It’s a good thing that the spectacular drumming takes away the stupid and just makes it dumb…
i like the ocational slice of shoefly as long as it’s wet dry bottom is just wrong for one thing the crust will crumble to powder finer than talc if you look at it funny
the real PA culture shock is the look you get when you put mustard on your pretzels i went to collage in YORK and hal the students were from maryland
they literally turned green when i did it in front of them the first time