Jeremy: So, guess what? Our comic’s one-year anniversary is May 27, 2011. That happens to fall on Friday of next week. You know what I think we’ll do with that knowledge? Post the comic on Friday, so it lines up perfectly with the anniversary. Oh yeah, and we’re going to have an update every single other weekday of next week, too. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. 5 comics in one week! It’s our special one-year anniversary present to you, our readers. Thank you so much for joining us on this adventure, and hanging around to watch things develop with these two guys (and that domineering female that’s been hanging around of late). Please join us each day next week for our anniversary celebration!

Jeff: Yep, we’re actually pretty excited with this (brief) foray into daily comic-strip-dom next week, so please come along for the ride and tell your friends! We’re also gonna be starting out with a bit of a scavenger hunt of sorts, so come on back Monday for a fun time!! Fun!!! Whee!!!! Exclamation points!!!!1!

Jeremy: You know, telling a new friend (or old friend) to check out Ouro Bros next week would certainly be a fantastic one-year anniversary present for us. If every one of you told one friend to “tune in” next week to Ouro Bros, that would like… triple or quintuple our readership. Or hundred-tuple it. Okay, I just draw here. I never said I was a math whiz.