246: Seasoned
Jeff: This brings to an end our collaboration with fabulous colorist Ginger Dee. She’s done far more than throw Crayolas at the screen for us; she really collaborated with us, asking questions about the emotions behind these strips. Questions about the motivations. Questions about the backgrounds. Endless, endless questions… Haha, I kid, I kid, Gin! Really, it’s been fantastic working with her, and hope we get the chance to do so again sometime in the future.
Jeremy: It was also nice to take a break from coloring and get someone else’s perspective. We were really lucky that Gin was willing to play around in our world for a bit. Thank you, Gin!
This has been a great story line Jeff. Yeah, I know I’d fail miserably at trying to walk up a wall Batman style, but look at Chester making it look like nothing, you go Chester. Although gravity does take care of the decent. Lets hope Chester has a dog treat in his bag of goodies to keep his new friend entertained.
Jeremy I’m sure that picture will resurface some time your wife needs a little blackmail to get you to do something. 🙂