222: Obvious
Jeff: Room? Meet elephant. Now, talk amongst yourselves.
Jeremy: This weekend we will be returning to SPX (Small Press Expo) in Rockville MD for another year of independent and self-published comics and art goodness! We will even be hanging with some of the same folks we tabled with last year, including Lee Cherolis of Little Guardians, Chris Williams of Christopher, and Perry Alter of Tale of Tamarind. It was great fun to share floor space with these gents last year at SPX, so we are excited to be doing so once again. Please see the handy table map below for our highlighted location on the convention floor (you can click it to make it even bigger). You can also see the complete list of exhibitors and their places on the map here. Looking forward to another fun year at SPX. Please stop by our table and say hello if you’ll be there!
Is Elle putting on some weight? Maybe she’s prego with a brother’s baby! Scandal!
haha I think it’s just that my drawing is putting on weight, i.e. each time I draw Elle, I try more to make her look (and feel) like a natural woman. Still trying to figure out the mystery of drawing ladies, as Elle was the first one I ever drew. Too much concentration on muscle-bound male superheroes when I was younger.
Personally, I’d love to see you, David, walk up to Elle and ask her if she’s pregnant. Well, amend that: I’d like to see how many paramedics show up in the aftermath… 😉
Maybe next week it’ll be getting Awesomely Worse. 🙂 Well they did their part and performed as they had planned, so regardless if the client was less impressed he still got what he wanted…a band. Nice job on the snag Chester, that mug alone takes the tip total to $49.55 at least.
They have mugs like that at a local bar/restaurant in Lancaster, for their “Big Ass Beers”. Which reminds me – I need to get back there soon.