Jeremy: And so the Brothers Ouro appear to be embarking on a new adventure of recording here – that is, if this invention of Chester’s really does what he says (or thinks) it does. Will Stan and Balthazar walk away from this situation with a recording of their music, or with something else? Only time will tell, now that they are in (cue dramatic orchestral swell) Chester’s World. And speaking of Chester’s world, it appears as though he keeps a lot of little trinkets and who-zits and whatnot around. If he’s fitting sound boards into nostalgia toys, what else do you think he’s got going on in this pad of his? What’s in the box down there, marked “Chester’s Stuff”? Where is this so-called Shop Mart? What on Earth is that green cylinder in the cardboard box on the second shelf? Feel free to speculate in the comments section…

Jeff: Oh! And bonus points to the first commenter to correctly identify the movie allusion in today’s strip!