110.2: Sound and Fury, Page Two
Jeremy: Enter one mysterious anime/video game-inspired female. Yes, a new character has been introduced in our 2nd anniversary special, and yes, she can apparently sing full chords (how does she do it?!). And so many drawings of Elle’s Belles, too. It’s been a while since we have seen all these folks. This is actually the first page I drew for this comic special, and panel 2 (the crapwater one) is the first one I drew for it, which also happens to be the very first comic panel that I drew 100% digitally, making this entire comic a 100% digital work (and making this one hell of a run-on sentence). Up until I drew panel 2 of this page, I did all my drawings in my sketchbook first using pencil, and then scanned them into Photoshop and did everything else with my WACOM tablet.
For anyone who has happened upon the site today and wondered what is going on, we are in day 3 of our 2nd anniversary special week, which started on Sunday with the cover, and then continued with Page One of the comic on Monday, which brings us to today, which for many of you will be the first day back to work after a holiday weekend.
So, getting back to this new addition, what do you guys think of her introduction? Any speculation on what you think this means for Elle’s Belles? For that matter, what are you thinking of Ouro Bros 2nd Anniversary week? We have been so excited for all of this to publish, and hope you all have been enjoying it. Please give us your comments below. Thanks for reading!
I read them! And who’s to say what “current” is? 😉
Love the gag you trend setters you. I’m pretty sure there will be a worm hole open at some point today propelling your strip back in time. These 3 or 4 other individuals will find themselves searching for an angle for their next post. While searching around they will accidentally stumble upon your site just as the worm hole opens revealing your future strip to them. So y’all have become a retroactive trendsetter. Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s what’s going to happen.
I think you’re right, Todd. Yeah, that’s gotta be a really real thing. 😉
You know, I think I recognized this fact on some subconscious level but I don’t think I ever really picked up on it.